Donkey Kong Junior

Donkey Kong Junior is still sort of a work in progress. There are a few remaining to-do items on the list, but it feels “mostly done” now.

Looking for any feedback or suggestions in the comments here. If you know DKJ better than I do (which is very likely), then let me know where the game is “off”. Is the speed or timing of the snapjaws wrong? Let me know what you think it should be. Are any of the sounds not quite perfect, and do you know how/where I can get a true sample of that soundbite? Talk to me! Are the nitpicker patterns way off? I’d love to know.

I’ve reverse-engineered most of this, just for fun. And scrubbed through, frame-by-frame, hours of video to try to get things just right, but I know there is work to do…

Play the game and come back and start talking shit.

Oh. And this is my current todo list.

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- universal:
	- fix jump vertical/horizontal velocities - not sure it matches too well with arcade
	- fix gap when reaching for other vine (can climb up from the very bottom when not holding)
	- fix when reaching for other vine near bottom, switch, then climbing immediately falls
	- change dkj scaleX to flipX
	- make enemy hit areas smaller? 4x4 instead of 8x8? 6x6 right now...
	- improve dkj and enemy speeds!

- stage 1:
	- shouldn't be able to fall off vine 6 to platform below?

- stage 2:
	- improve nitpicker spawn delay + speed
	- improve dkj spring speed + trajectory - match mame

- stage 3:
    - fix spark spawn when on pipes above platform 1
	- improve blu spark spawn delay and hold time
	- confirm red (and blue?) spark speed (and variations at later levels)

- stage 4:

- fix all sounds
	- climb: ?
	- tune-bg-hurry: done (might cut-out when birds dive)

One thought on “Donkey Kong Junior

  1. Added 2 player support! Not even sure if anyone cares or if it’ll be used much, but this was more a result of just trying to match the arcade version as closely as possible. It was a lot harder than I thought (probably since I originally built this thing without more than a single player in mind as much as I should have…), so it may be buggy! Let me know if you see anything wrong in the way it works.

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